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Junior Japanese Program

​"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart".  Nelson Mandela
​Year 7 Japanese


Students undertake one unit of study during the term. Cool and Classy Celebrities is a unit where students explore how to give basic biographical information about a person. Students are exposed to the differences between celebrities in Japan compared to Australia. 


Extension Unit: Please note this additional unit is offered for students that want to continue their learning and extend their language skills further. In Teen Time, students learn how to talk about their schooling experiences in the target language and learn about the contrast differences between schools in Australia and Japan.

Term 1: Cool and Classy Celebrities

  • Assessment 1: Listening Exam - Celebrity Profiles


Extension Unit: Teen Time

  • Independent Project: Writing - School Brochure

  • Independent Exam: Reading - School Timetables

​Year 8 Japanese


Students undertake study of two units during the semester. The first unit is Aussie Adventures, where students learn how to discuss travel plans, modes of transport, travel wishes and tourist attractions. In the second unit, Fantastic Food, students explore Japanese food culture and learn how to discuss daily eating habits in the target language.


Term 1: Aussie Adventures


  • Assessment 1: Speaking Task - Conversation with Japanese friend regarding travel plans in Australia

  • Assessment 2: Listening Exam - Radio Interview with Japanese traveller in Australia


Term 2: Fantastic Food


  • Assessment 3: Writing Task - Restaurant Review

  • Assessment 4: Reading Exam - Japanese Menu and Restaurant Review Exam

Year 9 Japanese


Students undertake study of two units during the semester. The first unit is Funky Festivals in which students learn how to describe and talk about festival celebrations, learning about the various cultural celebrations that exist in Japan. In the second unit, Marine Magic, students learn how to give directions and instructions as a tour guide, learning specifically about marine animals and tourist attractions related to this topic. Students will visit Sea World on the Gold Coast and complete activities in Japanese relating to tour guiding and marine life.


Term 1: Funky Festivals


  • Assessment 1: Speaking Assessment - Multi Modal Presentation on Australian Festival / Celebration

  • Assessment 2: Reading Exam - Weather report and Festival article Exam


Term 2: Marine Magic


  • Assessment 3: Writing Exam 

  • Assessment 4: Listening Exam - Tour guide speech 


​Year 10 Japanese

Students who elect to study Japanese in Year 10 will undertake a one year course. The course is designed to prepare students for Senior Japanese in Year 11 and 12 and students study a range of topics including shopping, directions, fairytales, travel and careers.


Term 1: Retail Therapy


Assessment 1: Listening Exam – Lost tourists in a shopping centre

Assessment 2: Speaking Exam – Shopping at Japanese shop


Term 2 : Tantalising Travel


Assessment 3: Writing Assessment  – Travel Brochure

Assessment 4: Listening Exam – Japanese holiday review


Term 3: Creative Careers


Assessment 7: Speaking Exam – Job Interview

Assessment 8: Reading Exam– HR Job matching

Term 4: Happy Home-stay

Assessment 9: Writing Exam - Letter to host family about house rules

Assessment 10: Reading Exam– Home stay house rules exam



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